

Fame: 34,405
Server: cain
Level: 110
Job: Neo: Dark Knight
Job Rank: 580


Equipment image for Aspect-Devoured Lightsabre
Aspect-Devoured Lightsabre
Lv. 69 (0.64%)Damage: 1387Buff: 5188
Equipment image for Awakening
Equipment image for Reversible Leather Coat
Reversible Leather Coat
Lv. 69 (26.04%)Damage: 1768.9Buff: 5027
Equipment image for Manipulation
Lv. 69 (2.18%)Damage: 1176.8Buff: 5188
Equipment image for Unlimited Cybernetics
Unlimited Cybernetics
Lv. 69 (21.42%)Damage: 1527.2Buff: 5064
Equipment image for Passionate Knight Boots
Passionate Knight Boots
Lv. 69 (21.42%)Damage: 1432.6Buff: 5053
Equipment image for Power Plant
Power Plant
Lv. 69 (16.8%)Damage: 1667.4Buff: 5114
Equipment image for Black Star
Black Star
Lv. 69 (0.64%)Damage: 1292.4Buff: 5079
Equipment image for Suppressed Mana Bracelet
Suppressed Mana Bracelet
Lv. 69 (13.73%)Damage: 1457.2Buff: 5114
Equipment image for Golem's Centrum Ring
Golem's Centrum Ring
Lv. 69 (32.2%)Damage: 1667.4Buff: 5040
Equipment image for Destroyed Life
Destroyed Life
Lv. 69 (19.88%)Damage: 1176.8Buff: 5088
Equipment image for Forgotten Record
Forgotten Record
Lv. 69 (13.73%)Damage: 1387Buff: 5064
Equipment image for Storm-devouring Energy
Storm-devouring Energy
Lv. 69 (12.96%)Damage: 1317Buff: 4990


Some images may be incorrect or not show at all. This is out of our control, please contact Neople directly.
Equipment image for Capella's Stigma: Dark Liberation
Capella's Stigma: Dark Liberation
[Terra Cotta]
[The Guardians]
[Second Pact]
Equipment image for Capella's Stigma: Momentary Explosion
Capella's Stigma: Momentary Explosion
[Terra Cotta]
[The Guardians]
[Second Pact]
Equipment image for Capella's Stigma: Dimension Burst
Capella's Stigma: Dimension Burst
[Terra Cotta]
[The Guardians]
[Second Pact]


Unable to retrieve creature information

Buff equipment

Unable to retrieve buff equipment information


Equipment image for Neo: Dark Knight's Encroached Tattoo [Type A]
Neo: Dark Knight's Encroached Tattoo [Type A]
Equipment image for Neo: Dark Knight's Parted Hair [Type A]
Neo: Dark Knight's Parted Hair [Type A]
Equipment image for Neo: Dark Knight's Encroached Eyes [Type A]
Neo: Dark Knight's Encroached Eyes [Type A]
Equipment image for Neo: Dark Knight's Asymmetric Shirt [Type A]
Neo: Dark Knight's Asymmetric Shirt [Type A]
Equipment image for Neo: Dark Knight's Encroached Pants [Type A]
Neo: Dark Knight's Encroached Pants [Type A]
Equipment image for Neo: Dark Knight's Chain Belt [Type A]
Neo: Dark Knight's Chain Belt [Type A]
Equipment image for Neo: Dark Knight's Wing-Tipped Shoes [Type A]
Neo: Dark Knight's Wing-Tipped Shoes [Type A]

